Gosforth Junior High Academy is governed by the Trustees for the Gosforth Group
We have our own Academy Advisors Group.
Academy Advisors Group Members:-
Nicola Baker (GPA Parent)
Sean Blakey (GJHA Staff)
Barbara Bonello
Lesley Bowes
Eleanor Dawson (GPA Parent)
Nav Deol (GPA Staff)
Phil Lumsden (GJHA Staff)
Shona MacDaid
Debbie McCordall
Elizabeth O’Mahony (SEND Link)
Katharine Pringle
Lyndsay Readman (GPA Staff)
Kate Roberts (GJHA Parent)
Hugh Robinson (Ex-officio)
Zoë Shaw
Dave Vero (Chair and Safeguarding Link)
Ciara Swain (Ex-officio)
Anne Jobson, NCC Governor Services
Currently two community and one parent vacancy (GJHA).
Any correspondence for the Academy Advisors Group please address care of Gosforth Junior High Academy.