We aim to give our children the best possible start to their upper KS2 education, building on the skills and knowledge they acquire in first schools whilst preparing them for the next stage in their education. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which provides opportunities for children to learn both in and outside of the classroom using a variety of teaching styles and resources, developing independence, interest and resilience throughout the key stage. By laying the foundations of a love of learning and inquisitive nature, we are preparing our pupils to be successful both in the classroom and beyond. During the transition period, we work closely with our feeder school colleagues to develop our pupils’ strengths and continue to build on these from Year 5 onwards.
All students follow the appropriate National Curriculum programmes of study. The subjects studied are English, Mathematics, Science, PHSE, History, Geography, Music, Spanish, Art, Technology, PE, ICT, Drama and RE. Teaching is undertaken by a specialist team of Key Stage 2 teachers following the primary model of most subjects being taught by the class teacher. Key Stage 2 provision includes our “Confidence Curriculum”: one afternoon per fortnight when students follow an enrichment programme, which aims to broaden horizons and instil greater confidence, whilst developing their social, emotional and moral awareness. Our work with the Newcastle United Foundation further embeds these skills.
The children are taught by their class teacher on a daily basis; this allows for smooth transition from feeder schools and builds a strong teacher-pupil relationship. We liaise regularly with our main feeder schools so that we have a sound knowledge of the children joining us.Homework is set regularly to revise, challenge and consolidate the skills and knowledge taught in the classroom. Reading outside of school is encouraged and students are rewarded for doing so.