Key Stage 2 Hero

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

All students follow the appropriate National Curriculum programmes of study in Years 7 and 8.

The subjects studied are English, Mathematics, Science, PHSE, Citizenship, History, Geography, Music, French, Art, Technology, PE, Computing, and RE. Teaching is undertaken by a specialist team of Key Stage 3 teachers, with students having a specialist teacher for each subject.

There is a timetabled enrichment programme to enhance students’ education in areas such as STEM, careers, and enterprise.

We aim to give our pupils the best possible start to their secondary education, and this is as the very heart of the delivery of our curriculum at Key Stage 3. During the transition period to Key Stage 3, we work closely with our Key Stage 2 colleagues to identify our pupils’ strengths and continue to build upon these from Year 7 onwards so that transition is seamless and no learning time is lost. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 3 that provides opportunities for children to learn both inside and outside of the classroom, using a variety of teaching styles, resources and techniques. This not only helps children prepare for examinations in Key Stage 4, but also fosters a culture of independence, curiosity and resilience to support them throughout their future educational and working life.