Geography at Gosforth Junior High Academy


The geography curriculum at Gosforth Junior High Academy aims to inspire students with a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, which will remain with them for the rest of their lives.


We believe that geographical skills and knowledge are essential components to a broad and balanced curriculum. Geography is challenging, motivating, topical and engaging; in our diverse society, students need more than ever before to understand people and their cultures. Our geography scheme of work is structured to allow students to understand the processes of both physical and human geography and help them make sense of their world. The curriculum is designed for all students to succeed, building upon skills and knowledge learnt at key stage 1 and lower key stage 2, with a hands-on approach to regular investigative work, whilst also building upon their own experiences and introducing them to new experiences.



In this subject we aim to teach geography as a contemporary and dynamic subject, where topics are taught not only as discreet lessons but in a cross curricular manner. As a department, we strive to use a variety of teaching and learning methods to bring geography alive. Students are encouraged to complete long-term art projects; use maps and compasses; use a wide range of ICT and work in groups, sharing ideas and presenting.

The curriculum focuses on the key areas within geography: locational knowledge, place knowledge, environment, physical and human geography and geographical skills and fieldwork. Students, in geography, enjoy both exploring geographical content but also building on key geographical skills, such as map reading and interpreting data, where they are expected to describe, explain and evaluate through enquiry. Geographical topics, across key stage 2 include: mapping skills, rainforests, The UK with a focus on Newcastle, coasts and mountains. At key stage 3 students will study the following topics: rivers linking to the local area, globalisation, glaciation, Africa, urbanisation and weather. Wherever possible, we involve the students in ‘real’ geographical activities, e.g. research the local environment and current issues, encouraging empathy, how we can contribute to society and stewardship.     



The students are exposed to a wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities such as educational visits and whole school topic days. MAT students are offered additional enrichment sessions, where skills are developed further.

The curriculum is designed to help develop students' geographical thinking throughout both key stages whilst still encouraging a love for learning – enabling them to transfer these skills to KS4.