Maths at Gosforth Junior High Academy


The intent of the maths curriculum is to enthuse and inspire learners and create confident individuals that share our passion for the subject. 


We offer challenge to all pupils and teach them the skills and strategies to solve problems across different subjects and in real-life.  We make it explicit that pupils will make mistakes and that this is part of the learning process.  Perseverance is key to progression and we encourage pupils to reflect on their learning and ask questions to improve their understanding of maths, often through collaborative learning.  Pupils are celebrated through the mathmagician and mathlete rewards systems and we aim to fully prepare them for their next stages of learning.


The maths teachers are passionate about their subject and use a variety of teaching strategies and methods to engage pupils.  Lessons are often practical with hands on tasks; collaborative with pupils split into pairs or groups and links made to how maths is relevant to real-life.  Numeracy ambassadors also promote maths across the school and pupils are encouraged to consider how their maths skills can be used in other subject areas.  Smartboard technology is regularly used to make maths lessons interactive and we use a variety of excellent websites to enhance learning.

Teachers have high expectations of every pupil and lessons are differentiated to provide appropriate challenge and support.  We use regular formative assessment and provide rigorous summative assessments to check the progress that pupils are making within lessons and across topics.  Tailored intervention sessions are put in place for individuals that require further assistance in their learning.  The primary maths challenge, junior maths challenge and team challenge are some of the competitions we offer to our pupils.  We invite a theatre company in to promote maths through drama and also enjoy tailor-made maths trails around the school.


Our pupils make excellent progress and reach a high level of attainment.  They become increasingly confident in the subject and are able to identify how to improve in the future.  We offer them the skills to tackle problems, how to persevere and use trial and error to promote independence.  They leave the school with the tools to take on the challenge of KS4 and a genuine enjoyment of the subject.