Open Evening

Open Evening for Prospective Parents

Date Published:
Thursday 22 September 2022

Year 4 Open Evening for Parents / Carers at Gosforth Junior High Academy


As this is the time of year when decisions have to be made regarding the next stage of your child’s education, you, along with your child, are invited to attend an Open Evening at Gosforth Junior High Academy, on Monday 10 October 2022, from 4.00pm until 6.30pm.

We hope that during this time, you and your child are able to get a feel for what life is like at GJHA, so we invite you to take a tour around the whole school, meet form tutors on the KS2 corridor and visit the specialist classrooms.

At 5.30pm, there will be a talk in the main school hall where you can meet members of the Senior Leadership Team and hear about the exciting opportunities we can offer in our school and the admissions process.

For those students joining us from our feeder first schools, we will be arranging a series of experience visits in the Spring term, when students will be invited to join us for Year 5 lessons.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday 10 October from 4pm. Please contact school if you require additional information.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Yours faithfully


Denise Waugh
