Parent view survey

Your Feedback Matters

Date Published:
Monday 30 January 2023

Families play an important role in the school success of children. There are many different ways that you can get involved and support your children’s learning. Whether you volunteer at school events, help with fundraising, or just read with your child at home each night, you are making a contribution that will help your child do well in school.

Family engagement is strong at Gosforth Junior High Academy, but we’d like to make it even better and make sure we are meeting the needs of our families and students. You can help us understand how we are doing by following the link below to complete the Ofsted Parent View survey.

Give your views | Ofsted Parent View

All of the information is confidential, and your participation is voluntary, but we can't emphasise enough how important it is that we hear from YOU! The survey consists of 16 multiple-choice questions and should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete. You will need to register with Ofsted to access and complete the survey.

We have more than 650 families at our school and are hoping to get at least 250 survey responses by Friday 3 February 2023 so we can get genuine feedback on areas that are going well, as well as areas which may need adjusting.

Your time and feedback is greatly appreciated.