The KS2 Science curriculum is structured to allow pupils to explore science through practical work. Pupils use scientific knowledge they have acquired during lessons and science projects, at the end of each topic. The aim of the curriculum is to develop ‘working scientifically’ skills such as planning, conducting, recording, concluding and evaluating as well as secure curriculum knowledge to help create a solid foundation to move onto KS3.
The KS3 Science curriculum is designed for all students to succeed. The curriculum allows children to build upon skills and knowledge learned at KS2 with a hands on approach through regular practical work.
Key Stage 3 Science uses ten key principles to promote engaging lessons where children can develop key skills in areas such as enquiry, analysis and evaluation as well as cover new engaging curriculum content such as genetic engineering. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions and solve problems throughout the curriculum to help develop a scientific mind, through CSI theme days and developing questioning routines for practical work. The aim of the curriculum is to develop pupils’ extensive knowledge and expertise through application.
These ten key principles aim to equip students with a secure science foundation for students to be successful at KS4.
The KS2 curriculum focuses on key concepts that help children make sense of the world around them. They explore areas such as Living things and their habitats, Properties and changes of materials, Evolution and inheritance as well as areas such as Electricity and Earth and space. Curriculum knowledge is shared with pupils in a variety of ways such as engaging lessons, enquiry based experiments and hands on projects.
The curriculum uses 10 key principles from the 3 science specialisms. Physics themes include: Forces, Electromagnets, Energy and Waves. Chemistry themes: Matter, Reactions and Earth. Biology themes : Organisms, Ecosystems and Genes. Children revisit these themes in year 8 but exploring a different topic within them. They use and building upon knowledge learnt from year 7 to achieve mastery goals by year 8. For example in year 7 pupils will explore ideas around acids and alkalis in the theme ‘Reactions’, moving on to reaction types and energy in reactions in year 8.
Children are making big progress in two key areas: ‘Working Scientifically’ and ‘Application of Knowledge’.
The curriculum is designed to help develop pupils’ ‘Working Scientifically’ skills throughout the key stages. For example we role model skills needed for KS4 practical experiments early in the year, e.g. risk assessments and controlling variables, then as the year continues pupils are encouraged to determine these for themselves. We have seen big progress in areas such as presenting and analysing data, as well as numeracy.
Children’s ability to apply their knowledge to new situations also progresses throughout the key stages. Regular formative assessment on application of subject knowledge assists pupils in demanding summative assessments.