Our values embrace honesty, trust, reliability, respect for the legitimate rights of others, care for the weaker members of society, regard for the environment and a kindness towards other people.
We believe that a calm, friendly, disciplined atmosphere, in which hard work and co-operation are respected, is the best way to promote these values.
We aim to:
• Recognise and value each student (school or adult) as an individual with his or her particular abilities, needs and aspirations.
• Offer learning experiences which extend students and promote their personal development, regardless of academic, social or cultural background.
• Ensure a genuine equality of opportunity.
• Build self-esteem and confidence through membership of a caring, secure community.
• Celebrate the success and achievement of all students.
• Offer guidance and counselling to assist students in the planning of their future education and careers.
• Promote working partnerships between schools and the wider community at local, national and international levels.
• Encourage a love of learning that will be with our students throughout their lives.