Key Stage 2 Curriculum
By laying the foundations of a love of learning and inquisitive nature, we are preparing our pupils to be successful both in the classroom and beyond. During the transition period, we work closely with our feeder school colleagues to develop our pupils’ strengths and continue to build on these from Year 5 onwards.
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 2 that provides opportunities for children to learn both in and outside of the classroom using a variety of teaching styles and resources that not only prepare pupils for their KS2 SATS but also fostering a culture of Growth Mind Set, developing independence, interest and resilience throughout the key stage.
The children are taught by their class teacher for a high proportion of the school day; this allows for smooth transition from feeder schools and builds a strong teacher-pupil relationship. We liaise regularly with our main feeder schools so that we have a sound knowledge of the children joining us.
All aspects of the curriculum are taught within Key Stage 2 and a cross curricular approach features in a variety of the foundation subjects, e.g. writing recounts and newspaper reports in history and geography; instruction and procedural writing in science. A variety of enrichment activities are organised within Key Stage 2 such as Activities and Enterprise week, STEM activities, visits to the Quayside, Northern Stage and Jarrow Hall. We believe that these activities help to enhance the pupils’ creative skills with real-life experiences.
Homework is set on a weekly basis within the core subjects to support understanding as is the importance of reading at home. Children are expected to read five times a week to support their learning and progression.